Cradle of Filth Ignites Amplified Live in Dallas

Cradle of Filth
Amplified Live!
Photos and article By Angel Castillo

“Tonight is the night, the empowering wind that draws breath from despise roars…” Woooo!!!!! Cradle of Filth brought their incredible gothic black metal to the Amplified Live stage and was a pure power house of energy and extreme black metal. Witnessing Cradle of Filth and what they being with their amazing following is extraordinary. Dani Filth with his harsh vocals and high pitched screams blew those that have never seen them live before away.

The extreme metal band Cradle of Filth from Suffolk, England graced our stage here in Dallas, Texas. They started there set with one of their song, “Heaven Torn Asunder,” A second song from their second album, Dusk.. and Her Embrace.  The energy went through the roof as soon as Dani Filth hit his high note scream, into the beautiful soothing dark melodic bass guitar played by Daniel Firth, and keys played by Zoe Marie Frederiff. From there… Hell broke loose, the fans were immersed into the band, from the mosh pit and the crowd surfers people head banging throwing up the metal horns and the black metal hands Cradle of Filth had the crowd wanting more, and sure enough they gave it to them. 

When the song ended they wasted no time in playing their song from 2004 album, Nymphetamine, entitled, “Gilded C***.” soon as the drums and the guitar riff hit the crowd went into a even bigger frenzy. When I say you can feel that energy that is no exaggeration. The fans sang every lyric all the way to them following Dani Filth after he yelled “Gilded,” which followed, “c***,” talk about a very loud and active crowd.

After Cradle of Filth their third song, “Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids.” They took time to welcome the fans to the tour and if they are ready for more from the  extreme black metal titans. After they played the next 2 songs, the band quickly played one of their most famous songs, “Nymphetamine.” Right when you heard operatic vocals and the keys the fans instantly were taken back to the early 2000s. Zoe Marie Federoff sang the opening lyrics beautifully, with the following of Dani Filth coming and taking the reigns. Again the crowd sang every lyric all the way to Dani Filth’s high pitched screams. When the last few seconds of the song came to a close the fans cheered so loud it brought the band to big smiles and gratitude. 

When Cradle of Filth finished their 9th song, “Her Ghost in the Fog”, Dani Filth spoke to the fans saying, “this is our last song, thank you all lets bring the house down the right way. This is From the Cradle to Enslaved!” Dani Filth gave it his all in the last song. The band played one hell of a show at Amplified Live, to a lively crowd here in Dallas. But rest assured Cradle of Filth will be back in Dallas again. 

Heaven Torn Asunder
Gilded Cunt
Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids
She is a Fire
The Principle of Evil Made Flesh
Nymphetamine (Fix)
Crawling King Chaos
Born in a Burial Gown
Her Ghost in the Fog
From The Cradle to Enslaved

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